These lessons are just impressions of my journey and is supplied without liability.
1. Hugs are given twice.
2. Never go to bed without mosquito protection.
3. There are usual taxis, but also “Dalla Dalla” (400 TSH), Bajaji (min 1000 TSH) and motorcycles (without helmet, needless to say)
4. 10000 TSH is the highest value of a banknote.
5. 10 people fit into a 5-seater.
6. 6 people fit into a Bajaji.
7. On a motorcycle 3 people at least.
8. Never use your mobile phone in a public street.
9. Toilet paper and water are a rarity. Even at uni or at home.
10. Cold showers are not that bad.
11. Always greet appropriately: Mambo, Habari, Shikamu….
12. Kissing is not well-received.
13. Men are sometimes holding hands.
14. It’s possible to practice in the church choir at 3 am too.
15. Kanga and Kitenge are the daily clothes of women and have hidden messages.
16. Cockroaches are huge.
17.Traffic lights, crosswalks or other traffic rules are ignored.
18. Most people are using 2 or even 3 SIM cards.
19. You pay 400 TSH to get the same number after your phone was stolen.
20. Fruits taste much better here.
21. You can buy everything on the street: tennis rackets, clothes, nuts,…
22. It’s normal to be stuck in a traffic jam for one hour.
23. Paying in a restaurant is complicated. Especially with a big table: collect money, calculating,…
24. Waiters or salesmen rarely have change.
25. In school the kids are still punished with violence.
26. Mobile phones, newspapers and anything which might be fun or inform is forbidden in schools.
27. Hand wash takes time.
28. For 100 TSH (5 Cent) you get an orange.
29. Actually, they never bake, but deep-fry a lot.
30. Butter is hard to get.
31. Prices in supermarkets are unbelievable high.
32. “Mzungu” means white man.
33. Austria is always called Australia.
34. Most people have never been abroad.
35. Bring more nice and formal clothes for work.
36. Also a netbook could have been brought.
37. Never expect a computer if you are hired as a programmer.
38. Expect continuos electricity and internet connection even less.
39. People work slower here.
40. The time is different. 1 pm for us is 7 am here.
41. The sun sets at the same time every day.
42. Always bring your own toilet paper.
43. 512 MB RAM are not enough.
44. “Ugali” is a kind of corn porridge and the favourite meal of many Tanzanians.
45. Flies always partake of your meal and cats are watching you.
46. The cheapest beer in Dar es Salaam only costs 1600 TSH.
47. A 40 hours job is not that exhausting.
48. Never scans documents as a picture. Visually impaired people can’t use it.
49. There is rather a flatscreen than a washing machine at home.
50. If you have more money, you don’t have to burn your rubbish by yourself.
51. “Tigo” is the cheapest mobile network, but doesn’t have the best conditions for packages.
52. Packages for your mobile phone have a period, e.g. 24h.
53. Never pay more than 50$ for your visa at the airport.
54. Know the date of your journey back already at the arrival.
55. You always have dirty feet.
56. If you believe, the food is not done, don’t eat it.
57. Always bring enough medicine for your stomach.
58. Lions can be seen the best at sunrise.
59. Warthogs are very forgetful and my favourite animal.
60. It’s too hard to get a small order.
61. You pay 5$ less with a work permit.
62. Don’t forget the price for the car and drive at a Safari.
63. You pay 450$ for overrunning an antelope.
64. 750$ for a buffalo.
65. Don’t stop when you pass a car accident as a Mzungu.
66. On a journey you see 1 car accident in 2 hours at least.
67. Giraffes always stay next to the street.
68. There are still big game hunters in the nationalparks.
69. Lions have sex 15 times a day in a period of 7 days.
70. Love is not an important factor for a marriage.
71. Always bring your work permit to trips or to the airport.
72. Maasai-giraffes have spots in the shape of flowers.
73. During “Eid” celebration holding hands is tolerated.
74. It’s normal when mothers slap their children’s face in public.
75. The east coast of Sansibar is the paradise.
76. Rasta men just enjoy their life.
77. An octopus becomes white when it’s killed.
78. Stars are much brighter in Sansibar.
79. Mangrove forests grow in the sea.
80. Marlene likes the taste of fresh coconuts.
81. To climb a palm tree, you tie a rope eight-shaped around your legs.
82. It’s more difficult than expected to paint with Henna.
83. Even young girls are made-up during the “Eid” celebration.
84. The travel from Stonetown to Michamvi only costs 4000 – 6000 TSH.
85. There are more albinos in Tanzania.
86. Some muslims still fast 6 days after “Eid”.
87. There is no hurry to run for an Tanzanian if there’s a fire.
88. Worship services can last the whole night.
89. A pre-wedding is for the bride.
90. The wedding for the bridegroom.
91. Bring nice clothes for the case you are invited to a wedding.
92. After Ramadan there is a larger variety of meals e.g. Kitomboa and Kaschata.
93. A slide in a presentation can still contain GIFs or continuos text.
94. It’s much colder in Moshi, especially at the Kilimandscharo.
95. “Mama” is not always your mother.
96. Everyone is your sister or brother.
97. Tanzanian women don’t have hair at their legs and arms at least.
98. Hygiene product are much more expensive.
99. Time in Africa flies.
100. Two months in Tanzania expands your horizon and shows you an unbelievable warmness. Thank you all.